Inculcation of values in higher education with reference to Pātañjala Yoga sūtra
Dr. Sukamal Kanti Ghosh
Pātañjala Yoga philosophy is a valuable asset in the field of value education which may not be evaluated by us of its level in this area. We may only follow the guide lines as it mentioned in its verses through the entire chapters of śastra (book) which will change our entire life style from the disorganized pattern to organize one. Here in this review article by paying due respect and honor to its writer, inculcation of values in higher education has been revisited with reference to his eternal and remarkable work namely Pātañjala Yoga sutra.
Dr. Sukamal Kanti Ghosh. Inculcation of values in higher education with reference to Pātañjala Yoga sūtra. Int J Sanskrit Res 2021;7(3):114-116. DOI: 10.22271/23947519.2021.v7.i3b.1409