From the time immemorial the Yoga is considered to be the ground of all spiritual practices & realizations. In the prestine time the Saints & Seers of truth has an empiric and pragmatic wisdom on spiritualism through the way of Yoga. Maharṣi Pataῆjali has authored a book named Yogasūtra, which is a document of life, wherein 195 aphorisms are codified. He proclaims योगश्चित्तवृत्तिनिरोधः1 means Yoga is a conscious process of gaining control over mind. The Yogasūtra of Pataῆjali is the right path of yogic practice to realize the ultimate reality of life. There are four chapters in Yogasūtra, such as 1. Samādhipāda – The definition of absorption, 2. Sādhanapāda – Method of yogic practices, 3. Vibhūtipāda – The occult power of Yoga, 4. Kaivalyapāda – The way of self-enlightenment or self realization.