Usage of Tarka, Nyaya principles in Sri Hayagriva stotram of Sri Vedanta Desika
Dr. V Vasudevan
Of the many erudite Sanskrit scholars, some stood above others for their uniqueness and their significant contributions to the world. The most prominent among them is the unequalled versatile genius and greatly honoured poet of the thirteenth century Svāmī Śrī Deśika.
At the age of twenty, Svāmī Śrī Deśika exhibited an astounding ability to compose poems, spontaneously combining Philosophy and Devotion. The vastness of his knowledge can be compared to that of an ocean. Those who delve deep into the realm of his compositions can gather numerous pearls ancient legal principle being one among them. This paper deals with one concept of Tarka and Nyaya revealed through the sloka nine of Sri Hayagriva stotram of the Lion of Poets and Logic namely Kavi Tārkika Kesarī, ie Svāmī Śrī Deśika.