Traces of anthropomorphic elements in hitopadesa: Vigraha
Dr. Sarikrishna S
The vibrant heritage of storytelling and creative imagination of events are a part of daily life. That’s why it is difficult to define the origin of story. It flourished through conversations or descriptions of incidents. Transmission of same travelled from generation to generation by oral and accepts the changes of time and space. It is a prominent literary genre inclusive of entire world traditions. This had an ability to capture the additions and omissions according to time. It is vast and unique compared to any other traditions. A significant extent of give and take can be traced from narrative traditions in global. Ancient Indian tradition of narratives consists of variety of narrative techniques and devices. When Indological studies nurture in the world of literature many extracts of narrative styles came forward. Story is an imitation of Preaching. It is also a medium to establish ideas and doctrines. Most of the narratives had a type of moral, ethical tenor. It helps to nurture the moral conduct among society. For better understanding of complex matters and relate the same to the common folk authors utilised various narrative techniques. Most of the ancient Indian narratives utilised the possibility of various narrative devices. Anthropomorphism is a narrative device that writers can utilise in different ways. That helps to cross the boundaries between human beings and non-human. The current study entitled ‘Traces of Anthropomorphic Elements in Hitopadesa Vigraha’ is examining the content analysis with respect to theoretical aspects. An analysis of Vigraha book, animal fables in the light of anthropomorphism helps to understand an in-depth meaning of theme and characters. It provides a way to understand the cultural and social facet of stories. These fables open a path to identify the psychological detailing against mental conflicts also. To trace the qualities like; critical thinking, facing the challenges, understanding moral/ ethical lessons, resilience, sustainable and holistic development apparatuses etc., in Hitopadesa Vigraha in the light of anthropomorphism is the prominent treatise enclosed here.