The method of Vedānta according to Svāmī Saccidānandendra Sarasvatī
Davide Persechini
This article explores Svāmī Saccidānandendra's perspective on the method of adhyāropāpavāda in Advaita Vedānta philosophy, focusing on its application in interpreting the Upaniṣads. The adhyāropāpavāda method involves a temporary attribution (adhyāropa) followed by a negation (apavāda) of characteristics onto the ultimate reality, ātman-brahman. Svāmī Saccidānandendra emphasizes that this methodology serves an epistemic purpose, not ontological, and aims to teach the non-dual nature of reality. Examples from Śaṅkara's commentaries illustrate how these adhyāropas function to correct misunderstandings and lead the seeker to realize their true nature. The article concludes that understanding Svāmī Saccidānandendra's perspective on the adhyāropāpavāda methodology is crucial for interpreting the Upaniṣads in a purely non-dual sense.
Davide Persechini. The method of Vedānta according to Svāmī Saccidānandendra Sarasvatī. Int J Sanskrit Res 2024;10(3):102-105. DOI: 10.22271/23947519.2024.v10.i3b.2377