Nityananda Mukhopadhyay is one of the eminent authors of the Sanskrit texts of Bengali. He was born on 10th of April, 1923. Sri Nitynanda Mukhopadhyay started writing books at the age of 21 only. His first vyayoga is Kālidāsa and later on he wrote 115 famous Sanskrit dramas. He wrote 12 mahākāvyas such as ŚaṅkaraMahānubhabam (23 sarga), SarbānandaBaibhavam (20 sarga) etc. A remarkable drama written by him is Bhāravāhijanārdanam. Arjuna Miśra’s devotion to Lord Nārāyaṇa is the theme of the Drama. The dramatist has used canda, guṇa, rīti, rasa, nāṭyalaṃkāra etc. in this drama and at the same time has also used alaṃkāra beautifully. Sri Mukhopadhyay being a modern dramatist has retained all the theories given by the ancient rhetoricians in this drama. In a word, it can be said that he has brought modernity together with tradition. The purpose of this essay is to analyze the rhetoric of Sri Nityananda Mukhopadhyay’s Drama Bhāravāhijanārdanam.