The nuance of sita & hermione a study based on ‘Uttararamacharita’ and ‘The winter’s Tale’
Dr. Sarikrishna S
The Uttararamacharita and the winter’s Tale were composed in distinct time period by two distinguished writers Bhavabhuti and Shakespeare. The analysis of female leads in two different strata of drama literature is quiet exciting. Indian and western perspective of heroines is entirely different but similarities can be traced from them. Plot, characterization and dramatic techniques persuaded to compare them together. The nuance of Sita and Hermione in both the plays are disastrous and inspirational. Their resilience and mental stability in facing tragic events can be traced from dramatic situations. Both writers give prominence to the female leads and consider them as individual. They both are ideal of women empowerment and pride. They are self-centred give value for love, compassion, friendship and family relations. The characteristics of these two heroines their actions, behaviourism, impact on totality of story line, unconventional believes and positivity are enough to understand socio-cultural aspects of Feminine groups of that time. Their life put forward the cognizance of self-perception and also claim their rights as individuality. This paper is an attempt to trace the character of Sita and Hermione in both plays certainly creates history for womanhood and their bounce back with radical changes throughout the periods.
Methodology: The methodology used in this research will be analysis of two characters on the basis of comparative treatise.