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International Journal of Sanskrit Research
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International Journal of Sanskrit Research

2023, Vol. 9, Issue 4, Part C

Critical study of mental disorders and its causes in view of astrological concepts and different yoga of moon in their kundali

Rajasi P Rajurkar and Krishnakumar Pandey

Astrology is the traditional science very much popular all around the World, especially in India. It is consider as the part of Vedas. The astrological chart is the basic tool used for the prediction. Psychology is the scientific study of the mind and behaviour of the people.
Now a day’s Depression and anxiety are very common, Anxiety and Depression can have some overlapping symptoms, they are two distinct mental health conditions. Anxiety is characterised by excessive worry or fear about everyday situations or events. On the other hand Depression is characterised by feeling of sadness, helplessness.
One of the very fine tools to know the depression and anxiety is Astrology. The tendency of getting depression can also be located in the horoscope. The horoscope analysis we have endeavour using the insights of the astrology and psychology combined with the tools of advanced technology to offer us, with all the planetary positions, houses and zodiac signs of horoscope addresses different mental States of depression and anxiety.
The main objective of the study is to find out the position of Moon, conjunction of planet Moon with other planets and astrological reason for the occurrence of the anxiety and depression in horoscope of respondents under the study. Study was conducted in the Nagpur by using the purposive sampling methods Total 59 out of 100 female respondents complaining of anxiety, depression were selected. The questionnaire was introduced to the respondent's.
In this research it is observed that the moon is seen in the 4th house which is the natural house of the Moon and in 10th house which is exactly opposite of 4th house.
If the 4th house is imperfect, it has no power and if moon is under the influence of the malefic planet. Then the person will usually suffers from depression.
Moon was found in conjunction with Ketu, Saturn, Sun.
The severity of depression depends on the position of planets and their conjunction with the planet moon.
Moon was found aspected by malefic planets namely Rahu, Ketu, Mars, Saturn and sub planet Mandi. When there were no malefic planet aspect on the moon or if there were no conjunction of malefic planet with the Moon, then Moon is a hemmed between malefic planets means in a paapkartari or in a Kemdrum yoga. Position of Ascendant and fourth House also checked in respondent’s horoscope.
Pages : 147-152 | 1120 Views | 842 Downloads

International Journal of Sanskrit Research
How to cite this article:
Rajasi P Rajurkar, Krishnakumar Pandey. Critical study of mental disorders and its causes in view of astrological concepts and different yoga of moon in their kundali. Int J Sanskrit Res 2023;9(4):147-152.

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