Role of socio-economic status on the education system with special reference to the vedic literature: A textual study
Santu Sarkar and Dr. Swapan Mal
To establish its economic life, there must have been a considerable degree of secular, nonreligious education. It is renowned for its advancements in all spheres of national life, including the economic, political, and religious ones, as well as in the numerous civilized arts and crafts, including trade, industry, and agriculture. The cornerstone of this advancement must have been a suitable system of technical, industrial, and commercial education, which found its outlet in a commensurate range of employment. Although the Rigveda itself barely offers any direct proof of such education, the following hymns, which shed insight on the era's economic life, offer a glimpse of it.
Santu Sarkar, Dr. Swapan Mal. Role of socio-economic status on the education system with special reference to the vedic literature: A textual study. Int J Sanskrit Res 2023;9(3):254-255.