The concept of dharma in Kautilya’s Arthasastra and its relevance today
Samuel Debbarma
The concept of Dharma was essential to Kautilya's Arthashastra, his work on governance and administration. Dharma, the universal moral and ethical order, is a vital component of the social and political order, according to Kautilya. The Arthashastra emphasises the state's obligation to safeguard dharma, which it defines as the virtuous behaviour expected of individuals in various social positions. This paper looks at Kautilya's Arthashastra and how the idea of dharma fits into modern life. The Arthashastra is an ancient Indian book about how to run a country, and one of its main ideas is dharma, which is seen as essential for keeping a fair and peaceful society. The paper says that the principles of dharma, such as fairness, justice, and compassion, provide a framework for ethical governance and are still important today. Through an analysis of the Arthashastra, case studies, and criticisms, the paper looks at how dharma can help policymakers make decisions that are good for society as a whole and help build a more fair and peaceful society. In the end, the paper shows that the idea of dharma in Kautilya's Arthashastra is still important and can teach modern policymakers a lot about how to govern in an ethical and fair way.