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International Journal of Sanskrit Research
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International Journal of Sanskrit Research

2022, Vol. 8, Issue 6, Part A

Bengal’s contribution to biographical modern Sanskrit literature

Tutan Barman

A major feature of modern Sanskrit literature is Biographical literature. The tradition of writing literature by enlivening live has been going on since ancient times. Aśvaghoṣa's Buddhacaritam is the first Biographical Kāvya written in Sanskrit. However, in recent times, especially in the 19th – 20th and 21st centuries, the extent of which has increased significantly. Biographical literatures have high literary value on the one hand and on the other hand ancient history can be known to a large extent through literatures. The contribution of the Sanskrit scholars of Bengal and Maharashtra in the creation of Biographical Modern Sanskrit literature is remarkable. And the main focus of the article is Bengal’s contribution to Biographical Modern Sanskrit Literature. In particular, the article tries to throw some light on Jatīndra Bimala Caudhurī’s ‘Bhāratalakṣmīnāṭakam’, Ramā Caudhurī’s ‘Nivedita-Niveditam’, Bīrendra Kumāra Battācārya’s ‘Siddhārthacaritam’ and Nityānanda Smṛtitīrtha’s ‘Vaṅgkīrti-Vidhānam’.
Pages : 31-35 | 995 Views | 574 Downloads

International Journal of Sanskrit Research
How to cite this article:
Tutan Barman. Bengal’s contribution to biographical modern Sanskrit literature. Int J Sanskrit Res 2022;8(6):31-35.

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