A survey of the Indian judiciary in the light of Manu Smriti & Brihaspati Smriti
Jaya Kundu
The provisions of Smriti are variable, yet why the importance of Smriti Shastra written three thousand years ago from today? To understand this, we need to discuss a little bit of Western philosophy. The philosopher Plato said, "Wonder is the father of philosophy." The period of Plato is approximately 428 BC to 348 BC. So, when Plato was a philosopher, the thought of Western philosophy was very underdeveloped, and this underdeveloped doctrine echoed that thought as a representative of that society. Because people did not know what Substance was then, they did not know anything about Theory of Causality, they did not have a clear idea of Realism & Idealism. But today we know that it is inappropriate to call something special as the father of philosophy because it is a defect in the field of knowledge and theory. In the same way, without the provisions of smriti, all the provisions would not have been made in the future and the society would not be able to come to the present situation, if the society could not be stabilized at that time.