Significance of Vedic education system in present time
Sunita Singh Sengupta and Tahasin Mondal
The Vedic civilization is the oldest civilization in the world and India was the first country which had developed better education system during Vedic era. Vedic education system is man making system which is very relevant in present time. This education system is based on simple living and smart thinking. Present time is called period of globalization, where money is the ultimate goal which results in corruption. Moral values and humanity are the main motif of the Vedic education system. If we adopt Vedic education system in our country then definitely we will become Viśva guru.
Sunita Singh Sengupta, Tahasin Mondal. Significance of Vedic education system in present time. Int J Sanskrit Res 2021;7(1):371-376. DOI: 10.22271/23947519.2021.v7.i1g.1329