Thirunāma-s of Svāmi Rāmānuja based on Bhagavad Gītā’s Prathama Ṣaṭka in Śrī Rāmānuja Sahasranāma
Shrineevasan SAT
Sahasranāma is a work comprised of 1000 thirunāma -s (divine names), praising the glories and attributes of Bhagavān. One can easily acquire knowledge by learning Sahasranāma, which is hard to attain by learning śāstra-s. Since ācārya-s are more revered than Bhagavān, disciples mostly engage in praising ācārya-s through various thirunāma-s. In this manner, Śrī. U.Ve. Addaṅki Veṅkaṭācārya Svāmi made an attempt and composed Sri Rāmānuja Sahasranāma, praising the glories, guṇa-s, rūpam, śiṣyasaṁbanda, divyadeśayātra-s, kaiṅkarya-s, grantha-s, etc., of Svāmi Rāmānuja. This is a very rare text and first of its kind. This article focuses on the thirunāma-s which portrays Svāmi Rāmānuja’s contribution (Gītā Bhāshyam) to prathamaṣaṭka of Gītā.
Shrineevasan SAT. Thirunāma-s of Svāmi Rāmānuja based on Bhagavad Gītā’s Prathama Ṣaṭka in Śrī Rāmānuja Sahasranāma. Int J Sanskrit Res 2020;6(5):327-330.