Relevance & impact of cārvāka philosophy in modern age
Biswajit Raj
The history of Indian atheism is as primitive as spiritualism or idealism. At first, skepticism was found in the Vedas. The theories of Cārvāka philosophy depends on the thought of agnosticism, skepticism and atheism. According to them physical pleasure is the ultimate goal of human being. There is no place of hell, heaven, rebirth, rituals, god etc. in their philosophy. This philosophy is totally based on perception, sometimes perception based inference. It seems that, most people of modern age is living that kind of life which is full of materialistic pleasure. So, the present impact or relevance of Cārvāka philosophy in modern human thoughts should be realized. In this present research an attempt is taken to observe the impact and relevance of Cārvāka philosophy in the thoughts and life style of modern human being.