Myths and narratives, though, both associated with religious studies; but they are different, to some extent, when it comes to accounting past. Myths have a distinctive character of past-telling and they are often concerned with ‘grand events’ of ancient times like creation of world, Gods, human race etc. Ancient Indian culture and myths surrounding it, most of them could be traced back in Rig-Veda, are no exception. Patterns and Ideas that encompass Rig-Vedic myths of creations is our topic of discussion in this article. We have tried to decipher few paradoxical ideas underlying these myths. For example, we are persistently told, in Nasadiya hymn or other philosophical hymns, of all these things that created have come into exist from nothing: a pattern of many world-creation that largely relate with ex nihilo; creation of something out of nothing. This pattern of creation goes in contrast with Sankhya philosophy where it is said about creation that existence came out of existence (sato sajjayate). Metaphors and allegories have been characteristic elements for the cosmological myths. We have got that idea, too, covered in our discussion. Rig-Vedic seers perpetually resorted to metaphors in representing creation stories: as they narrated making of the world as making of a house for an individual. For that world house many metaphors have been used as material. In Rig-Veda measuring and propping the three worlds up are central Vedic cosmogonic act that almost great Gods are ascribed with.