The concept of ‘OM’: (with special reference to chāndogya upaniṣad)
Srabani Maharara and Dr. Niranjan Sabar
‘Veda’ is considered as mine house of spiritual knowledge. The ‘Veda’ is worshiped as one “VedaPurusa”. The word “VEDA” is derived from the root word “Vid” which means “to know”. Thus, ‘Veda’ means “knowledge”. Each Veda has been sub-classified into four major texts and the Upaniṣads is a part of Vedas and are ancient Sanskrit texts that contain some philosophical concepts and ideas of Hinduism.
This paper deals with the concept of ‘OM’ especially in Chāndogya Upaniṣad we found that, Meditation of ‘OM’ became a person fearlessness and immortality because by entering it, Gods became fearless and immortal. Not only in Chāndogya Upaniṣad but also in many Upaniṣads like Praśnopaniṣad, Taitiriya Upaniṣad, Brihadāraṇyaka Upaniṣad etc. the concept and Significance of OM has described. And in the most popular scripture of Hinduism Srimad Bhagvat Gitā the concept of ‘OM’ or the Significance of ‘OM’ was clearly described by Lord Sri Krishna.
In Chāndogya Upaniṣad the OM is described as Brahman and Ātman. And ‘OM’ is called Omnipresent, Omniscient, and Omnipotent. When you will start chant Om then it will creates a positive vibrations in you. You feel happy for no reason. So in ‘Taitīriya Upaniṣad’ mention that:
Deevevob ye´eïeCees efJeÜeve ve efJeYesefle kegÀleÞ®eve ~~
When you will chant ‘OM’ on a regular basis it will take you on a spiritual journey to greater happiness and positivity, but only if it is done in daily for a longer period of time. Mantras are not an overnight fix to your problems you must have patience and learn the correct techniques of chant. There is no right and wrong method when it comes to chanting; everyone can do it and everyone may sound a little different. Sometimes I will chant ‘Om’ a couple times and after practicing yoga. It helps me calm my mind and turn inward, remembering love we all have within us. So don’t be afraid to step out your comfort zone and try it too.