The concept of Puruá¹£a as treated in the SÄá¹khya philosophy
Dr. Jumli Nath
SÄá¹khya is one of the oldest systems of Indian philosophy, advocates the clear-cut dualism of Praká¹›ti and Puruá¹£a. SÄá¹khya recognizes twenty five principles, among which two are regarded as the ultimate realities viz., mahat, ahaá¹kÄra, pañcajnÄnendriya, pañcakarmendriya, manas, pañcatanmÄtra and pañcamahÄbhuta are the evolutes of Praká¹›ti. Accordig to SÄá¹khya system, the second ultimate reality Puruá¹£a is as an absolute and independent entity. Puruá¹£a is quite opposite of Praká¹›ti in nature. It is pure, conscious and beyond change and silent scpactator. It has neither beginning nor end. By nature, Puruá¹£a is inactive, a mere witness, a solitary, indifferent and a passive spectator which is beyond the perceptual experience. Ῑśvarakṛṣṇa, in his SÄá¹khyakÄrikÄ states about the plurality of Self (Puruá¹£a).