Roll of ‘megha’ or cloud as a messenger of love in Meghaduta: A study
Sampa Paul
“Meghaduta”by Kalidasa is a great poem of love in classical Indian literature. The poem deals with intense love affair between husband and wife even after their separation. The poem presents their typical love affairs which cannot be restrained in any circumstance. While men tries to restrain human love and emotion, and punish them giving exile, various agents of nature comes forward to fulfill their love. Seasons as changing agent of nature affect human mind in love making. The rainy Season or monsoon season brings freshness in nature and deep love in lovers'mind. The clouds moving from one part of the sky to another part of sky brings rain and message of love in the mind of lovers and beloveds. Lovers and beloveds look towards their love with great eagerness. In the poem “Meghaduta” Yaká¹£a, thelover and his beloved wife are in true love. But soon in their love comes a crisis. Kubera,the Hindu god of wealth under whom Yaká¹£a, has served, displeased as Yaká¹£a has neglected his duty to protect the lotus garden entrusted in his charge. While Yaká¹£a is deeply engaged in love making with his wife, Airavata, the elephant of Indra, the god of heaven has come and spoiled the entire lotus in the garden. Yaká¹£a is not concerned all that happen before him. Discovering this, Kubera becomes angry with Yaká¹£a and punishes him for his offence. He banishes Yaká¹£a from Alaca, the city of Yaká¹£as to the mountain of Ramagiri in Central India for twelve months exile. Thus Yaká¹£a is separated from his home and beloved wife. Though Kubera separates Yaká¹£a physically from his beloved wife, yet there is no bound of love between them. Their love never fades in any circumstance because the true inspiration of love lies in the core of hearts. So, while they are so far from each other, their painful existence invokes pity in the mind of ‘Megha’ or cloud. ‘Megha’ or cloud, on request of Yaká¹£a finally agrees to convey the message of Yaká¹£a’s love to his beloved wife. ‘Megha’ or cloud flies from south to north towards Alaka on Mount KailÄsa in the HimÄlaya Mountains to express the feelings and situation of Yaká¹£a in exile. The lady love realizes that her husband though far from her, always keep her in mind. He loves his beloved wife more and more. His love for her is not feigned or imitated and is touched with truth and genuine sincerity. They are eager for meeting each other and soon they will meet. This message of reconciliation heightens the poem in a new era in human society.