Sisupalavadha (SV) is an influential Mahakavya in Sanskrit written by the famous poet Magha. Due to the popularity as well as the scholarly nature of the Mahakavya, many commentaries on it have been written by great scholars of different parts of India. Great scholar Durgaprasad who has edited SV with Mallinatha's commentary gives a list of eight commentaries on SV. Among the published commentaries most popular is सर्वङ्कष of Mallinatha. This commentary is famous throughout India except in Kashmir. Another commentary which is also very important is सन्देहविषौषध of Vallabhadeva. The present scholar in the course of research and data collection for the present topic of study, could locate the commentary of Devaraja, on SV which is mentioned by M.Krishnamachariar among the unpublished commentaries on SV. The name of the commentary of Devaraja is Sarasangraha. The commentary of Jayasimhacarya, which is mentioned by M.Krishnamachariar, is also given in the list of Mss/Tss collected at Government Sanskrit College, Triunithura