SÄṃkhya Theory of Verbal Testimony According to YuktidÄ«pikÄ
Dr Asrulekha Tripathi
Theory of pramÄṇa occupies a very important part in almost all the systems of Indian philosophy. The concept of pramÄṇa as explained by the author of YuktidÄ«pikÄ is also different. In the SÄṃkhyakÄrikÄ itself, it has been stated that three kinds of pramÄṇa are to be accepted. In fact, different systems admit different number of pramÄṇa. So when it is generally accepted that pramÄṇa is the only means for acquiring right knowledge, a question naturally arises as to how many pramÄṇas are accepted by SÄṃkhya.The third pramÄṇa which is admitted by SÄṃkhya is verbal testimony, generally denoted by the term Å›abda. In its most general sense, the word Å›abda means any kind of sound. But in present context it is to be taken in a narrow sense, in the sense of sound which is a combination of letters (varṇa) and which may be used as a symbol for expressing some meaning. Thus, Å›abda-pramÄṇa means words or a group of words as a source of valid knowledge