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International Journal of Sanskrit Research
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International Journal of Sanskrit Research

2017, Vol. 3, Issue 2, Part C

Comparative study of contributions of Nrsimha Bhārati Mahāswāmiji with that of Adi Shankaracharya

Veena BH and Dr. GN Bhat

‘Stuck in the ever-revolving wheel of birth and death, all are dead and born again; but he alone is really born, because of whose birth the nation attains a height’ – Bhartṛhari.
There have been many lives on earth who are born to transform society and uplift the source of humanity. In that stream was Jagadguru Ādi Śhankarāchārya and his successors.
This thesis is a Comparative study of Contributions of Śrī Saccidānanda Śivābhinava Nṛsimha Bhārati Mahāswāmiji with that of Ādi Śhankarāchārya. Śrī Saccidānanda Śivābhinava Nṛsimha Bhārati Mahāswāmiji`s contribution towards spiritual attainment through stotras, along with which he pursues his life discovering places of devoutness related to Ādi Śhankarāchārya and elevates Veda Jñāna into a knowledge seeking centre. The study explores more in detail encompassing all his devotion and purposefulness in various facets of endowment.
Pages : 138-142 | 1300 Views | 242 Downloads

International Journal of Sanskrit Research
How to cite this article:
Veena BH, Dr. GN Bhat. Comparative study of contributions of Nrsimha Bhārati Mahāswāmiji with that of Adi Shankaracharya. Int J Sanskrit Res 2017;3(2):138-142.

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