The description of Āyurveda as the science of life
Abhineet Kumar Srivastava
Āyurveda and Veda have a great connection. Āyurveda is not an only therapeutic framework. It is a hallowed study of life. It helps the individual to lead an upbeat existence with unadulterated body and brain. Vedas are antiquated precepts of extraordinary learning on earth. Vedas are accumulations of mantras. It mirrors the living propensities for antiquated individuals, their idea, traditions and so on. Vedas likewise contain the techniques and measures, embraced for human services and medicines. "Āyurveda" originates from the Sanskrit word "Ayur" signifying "life" and "Veda" signifying 'knowledge'4. Āyurveda signifies 'the study of life', and is a medicinal framework which is rehearsed in India, Sri Lanka and Nepal. It bargains extravagantly with measures for solid living through the whole traverse of one's life. Āyurveda is viewed as the "Upaveda" of the Atharvaveda, which is the primary Hindu content on prescription and is the fourth book of the Vedas. The four Vedas are the world's most established abstract records in an Indo-European dialect. Strikingly, Āyurveda's legendary beginnings are ascribed to the Indo-European Aświns, twin doctors of the divine forces of the old Indo-European pantheon. Four thousand year old references to the Nasatya are found in the now wiped out.