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International Journal of Sanskrit Research
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International Journal of Sanskrit Research

2015, Vol. 1, Issue 2, Part A

Concepts of east & west-similarities & dissimilarities

Dr. Sharmila NS

India has been a centre of linguistic activity and hence in the East, the evolution of linguistic analysis was not the same as in the West. Both the two, East and West have grown and developed independently of each other. They have different orientations of their own. They pose different questions propound different theories. There are many concepts in Indian philosophy of language which are unknown to Western analysts like the concepts of sphota, apoha, anvitäbhidhāna, avacchedakata etc. These concepts do not fall within the field of modern analysis and have no exact synonyms in English. These concepts cannot be made easily accessible to the English readers because they have lack of knowledge in this field.
Pages : 111-113 | 278 Views | 82 Downloads

International Journal of Sanskrit Research
How to cite this article:
Dr. Sharmila NS. Concepts of east & west-similarities & dissimilarities. Int J Sanskrit Res 2015;1(2):111-113.

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